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Showing posts from October, 2020

Administering remote redundancy conversations

  Administering remote redundancy conversations With massive job losses continuing to further disrupt the economy, employers worldwide are dealing with redundancy consultations and various related matters including their proper conduction in a sensible environment. One of the major aspects therein is the role that video discussion shall play.  The redundancy curve shall exhibit a sharp rise over the course of the next few months as the Govt. has wound down the furlough scheme. Redundancy has been listed as one of life’s most stressful events. A majority of those affected shall have a lasting psychological and emotional impact. It is a representation of contrasting periods - end of something familiar and the beginning of something unfamiliar. Redundancy is characterised by an overwhelming sense of loss, sadness, fear of an unknown future, with all these factors contributing more or less to anxiety. It is highly likely that these feelings will be exacerbated further, in view of the Covid

5 Telephone Job Interview Tips To Help Get Through The Next Round

  The preference for phone interviews by corporate recruiters has been a well-established trend for quite some time. Phone interviews are preferred as a preliminary way of screening candidates before the shortlisted ones are invited over at the company offices in person for the final rounds. It is an effective way to go through and screen large candidate pools wherever the number of applicants are more than, say, fifty.  As many of the recruiters in the organization may be working remotely, a telephone call may be the most convenient way of interviewing candidates and assessing their potential. Phone interviews are as challenging for the recruiters as they are for the candidates as many direct communication cues and visual overtones are absent, and the recruiter has to rely solely on the verbal communication between him / her and the candidate. Following are some tips to decode the phone interviews and guide the candidates advance through the interview process.

The UK's new points-based system: What it means for businesses and much more

  The UK's new points-based system: What it means for businesses and much more Free movement of people will end from 01 January 2021 and UK will introduce points-based system (PBS). A lot of immigration categories withing the UK are already points-based system. So how is this different? The new points-based system is part of a wider multi-year plan of change, led by whitehall which will transform the operation of the UKVI. Who is UKVI? UK Visas & Immigration (UKVI) is responsible for making millions of decisions every year about who has rights to visit or stay in the UK, with a firm emphasis on national security. This includes considering applications for British citizenship from overseas nationals who wish to settle here permanently; running the UK’s asylum service offering protection to those eligible under the 1951 Geneva Convention; deciding on applications from employers and educational establishments who want to join the register of sponsors; managing appeals from unsucce

Diversity at Workplace

  Diversity at Workplace The origins of organised racism date from the very beginning of civilization. Over time, people have been coerced to accept the conditionality and subjectivity of racism in their day-to-day lives. The systematic segregation of man on the basis of colour and race was thought to be able to raise the bar of particular social groups. However this notion, even though still widely pervasive, is false and dangerously divisive. Organizations which are more likely to do well in today’s global economy emphasize on having a highly diversified workforce and their talent management strategies are greatly influenced by diversity and inclusion goals. Many of the organizations making up the other end of the spectrum too want to diversify their workforce but are apprehensive about a supposed reduction in standards which may arise hence. As the entire global corporate world has finally joined hands to revolutionize work through digitalization, one of the ensuing agendas on their

Improving Career Prospects in a Tough Economic Climate

  Improving Career Prospects in a Tough Economic Climate The Covid-19 pandemic has sorely affected the global economy. Many organizations throughout the globe have closed their doors forever, countless jobs have been lost worldwide and millions of lives have been profoundly affected with long-lasting ramifications. For the past several months global economy has been struggling hard to survive and maintain status quo. In this scenario, even as numerous question marks punctuate the future of majority of the existing workforce, the addition of a large, fresh pool of qualified resources in a time of dwindling economic growth is a grave issue needing quick resolution. Freshly qualified resources and those about to complete their formal education are facing various dilemmas and challenges, primary among which is securing a job in a difficult economic climate. Many are having a tough time trying to break into the market and fields pertaining to their formal studies and personal inclination. W


  EMPLOYEE EXPERIENCE INITIATIVES: WHY DO THEY FAIL? Covid-19 pandemic has abruptly halted a period of considerable worldwide growth, development and low unemployment rates all across the globe. Organizations worldwide have had to abruptly change their policies and work methods in order to stay afloat and keep running, even after being forced to shed countless jobs and laying off scores of people. Organizational management must therefore look forward in a smart, innovative way and pay close attention to the parameters and varying patterns that would determine their stability and future growth. This recession will end too, as all do, and organizations shall return to a state where high productivity, talents and growth shall be the key goals for every manager. These goals can be challenging enough even while the economic growth is skyrocketing. Advisory firm Gartner conducted a global study in 2019 wherein companies spent an average of $2,420 per person on efforts to improve the employee

Future Leadership and Building a Future Workforce

  Future Leadership and Building a Future Workforce HR leaders, taking lessons from the unprecedented global developments of 2020 shall seek to build critical skills, bolster their organizational management teams and implement strategic and change management to prepare themselves for future. According to Gartner 2020 Future of HR Survey, growth and expansion of business remains the top business objective of organizations, closely followed by improving operational excellence. To ensure that these goals are met, the HR leader shall have to: Build  critical skills for the organization. Strengthen  the overall leadership for current and future needs Implement  change management These priorities have come up amidst widespread uncertainties on the lines of economic, workforce and environmental factors. Top-down change management must be withdrawn in place of a more agile leadership during uncertain times. Leah Johnson, Vice President, Advisory, Gartner, says, HR’s priorities in 2020 reflect

What you missed: Latest in the UK Migration

  What you missed: Latest in the UK Migration Number of non-EU Workers surpasses that of EU Workers Modern immigration started in the UK after the end of World War II. The British Nationality Act, enacted in 1948, allowed the existing subjects of Europe and the Commonwealth States to live and work in the UK without a visa; migration was initially sought only to fill the gaps in labour shortages and facilitation of mass migration was never intended. Migration was generally motivated by economic prospects and rose from 3,000 persons per year in 1953 to 136,400 persons per year in 1961. A Cabinet committee was formed in 1950 to find ways to check immigration.   According to a report published by the University of Oxford’s Migration Observatory, the number of non-EU workers has spiked up recently, overtaking that of EU workers for the first time since 2006. Earlier, EU migrant workers numbered two-thirds of the total UK migrant worker population. The introduction of UK’s points-based immig

Working From Home - Don't Be A Slave to It

  Working From Home - Don't Be A Slave to It Organizations worldwide have switched to and improvised remote working methodologies to combat the spread of the Covid-19 infection. Many organizations have even gone to the extent of developing their proprietary remote working software to enable their employees to track and monitor their work progress.  Remote working has immediate advantages and universal appeal. It avoids employees having get up early to change, undergo long, tiring commutes, work in the office while being constantly monitored, etc. But there are some downsides to this approach. Since the inception of the remote working approach, a minimum growth of two-to-three times has been recorded in the volume of official online meetings. Organizations ought to enable and empower people by making them own their circumstances through intermittent breaks from their workstation, and not make them spend more and more time on the laptop. Read More

Tier 2 Sponsor: Preparing for Home Office Compliance Visits

  Tier 2 Sponsor: Preparing for Home Office Compliance Visits The frequency of compliance visits to holders of Tier 2 sponsor licences are steadily rising. It is imperative that the employers have their organizational records to ensure renewal of their licence – which can otherwise be suspended or revoked altogether. In this instalment of the Tier 2 Sponsor Licence Holder Compliance, we bring to you the essential aspects of preparation for Home Office Compliance visits. A notification of the impending compliance visit is bound to make any Tier 2 sponsor licence holder nervous. Therefore, to make the visit a success and ensure licence renewal the employer needs to work consistently and get his HR systems and documents in place. In view of its requirements, the Home Office outsources a part of its role of monitoring immigration compliance to companies applying for sponsor licences. thus, retaining a duty to ensure that they fulfil their responsibilities including compliance checks. The t

Tier 2 Sponsor Licence Compliance Requirements

  Tier 2 Sponsor Licence Compliance Requirements In this ‘Tier 2 Licence Compliance Requirements’ article, we throw light on the duties and responsibilities of a Tier 2 sponsor licence holder. It is imperative that Tier 2 sponsor licence holders understand their duties and responsibilities and develop best practices and processes to strictly ensure that compliance is met, as otherwise their Tier 2 sponsor licence can be suspended or even revoked. The consequences can have grave ramifications on an organization, its developmental curve and business – organizations shall have to forgo and lose its talented employees, who may also be forced to leave the UK unless they obtain a position with another licenced employer within a stipulated period of time. The support of a legal professional, in the long run, definitely tilts the scales in favour of the company holding a Tier 2 sponsor licence. It is highly advised to have a solicitor who can act as a one-stop expert on immigration laws, keep

Leadership in uncertain times given the context of the Covid-19 crisis

  Leadership in uncertain times given the context of the Covid-19 crisis Acknowledgements I thank Professor Gordon Redding for the critical thinking ideas. All mistakes remain mine. It is an opportune moment to look at leadership in uncertain times given the context of the Covid-19 pandemic and its medical and economic crisis with its impacts on individuals, organisations, business, economies and society. The simplicity, boldness and clarity of the initial leadership strategy and tactics have metamorphosed into something more nuanced, hesitant and opaque. So, how might individuals – from the political, scientific, medical and economic worlds – lead effectively? Read More

10 Things Which Can Help You with Home Office Tier-2 Compliance Inspection

  10 Things Which Can Help You with Home Office Tier-2 Compliance Inspection Sponsor Licence holders are aware of the challenges that UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) requirements pose for them. They are subject to strenuous monitoring and announced as well as unannounced visitations on their premises by the UKVI officials, which only adds up the pressure to the already seemingly unpleasant situation. These visitations are generally undertaken as part of the Home Office’s pre-licence checks on an applicant organisation (including addition of a new tier to the licence by the sponsor), following the submission of a licence renewal application or in case of a report / notification provided to the Home Office. The Home Office can also facilitate visits in case of any concerns arising out of intelligence which alleges a sponsor of non-compliance and dereliction of duties and responsibilities on all related issues. The Modernised Guidance (MG) details the cases during which sponsor licence ap

Right to work checks, Immigration Control, Documents which are not acceptable for providing a right to work and employing workers from European Economic Area (EEA)

  Right to work checks, Immigration Control, Documents which are not acceptable for providing a right to work and employing workers from European Economic Area (EEA) FAQs about the illegal working civil penalty scheme, Right to work checks, Immigration Control, Documents which are not acceptable for providing a right to work and employing workers from European Economic Area (EEA)? Introduction Employer may be liable for a civil penalty if they employ someone who does not have the right to work in the UK under Section 15 of the Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act 2006 (‘’The Act’’). Employers have a duty to prevent illegal working by people who are subject to immigration control. If an employer fails to comply, they may face a financial penalty (civil penalty) and in some cases, prosecution. Employers can be sent to jail for 5 years and pay an unlimited fine if they are found guilty of employing someone who did not have the right to work in the UK. Right to work checks Q1. Why do em