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5 Telephone Job Interview Tips To Help Get Through The Next Round


The preference for phone interviews by corporate recruiters has been a well-established trend for quite some time. Phone interviews are preferred as a preliminary way of screening candidates before the shortlisted ones are invited over at the company offices in person for the final rounds. It is an effective way to go through and screen large candidate pools wherever the number of applicants are more than, say, fifty.  As many of the recruiters in the organization may be working remotely, a telephone call may be the most convenient way of interviewing candidates and assessing their potential.

Phone interviews are as challenging for the recruiters as they are for the candidates as many direct communication cues and visual overtones are absent, and the recruiter has to rely solely on the verbal communication between him / her and the candidate.

Following are some tips to decode the phone interviews and guide the candidates advance through the interview process.



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