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Showing posts from January, 2021

Diversity At Work: What Is It And Why Is It Important?

Diversity At Work: What Is It And Why Is It Important? Diversity At Work: What Is It And Why Is It Important? © - Complygate, Jan. 2021 Professor Chris Rowley Kellogg College, University of Oxford & City’s Business School, University of London The topic of ‘diversity’ at work is an important issue for businesses and management as well as practitioners and policy makers for a variety of reasons. There are both ‘push’ and ‘pull’ forces within these factors. These range on a spectrum from the minimalist - just doing the bare, legal compliance, to business strategies and opportunities, such as marketing, enhanced sales as well as PR image, to better decision making and even contributions to the bottom line, financial returns and enhanced corporate performance, all the way through to moral and ethical reasons. An initial issue concerns the concept of diversity itself in terms of meaning, definition, coverage and measurement. Exactly what is meant by diversity, where and how is it gauged

Key Core HR Competencies for Future

Key Core HR Competencies for Future Core HR Human Resource functions are constantly reinventing themselves with time through new visions, strategies, processes, technologies and systems. However, sustenance of transformation of the human resource functions requires the HR professionals to develop and implement a new set of competencies required to fulfil the transforming roles and responsibilities. Depending on the factors which are most likely to influence the future of HR, experts propose a competency model which encompasses both generic and specific HR competencies for general and specialised roles and businesses, respectively. Core HR is a blanket term that constitutes the basic functions of an HR department. Core HR functions include recruitment, payroll, administration, training, compliance etc. Alternately, core HR also encompasses Human Capital Management. Core HR also includes personnel information for candidate employment and administration as well as organizational data. The

What are the best practices of Performance Management?

What are the best practices of Performance Management? Today’s remote worker require an incredibly unique approach to the performance management. With the new normal there is always a need to monitor expected behaviour and tracking results, as new business models and challenges are emerging. Most organisations were not prepared for this pandemic, people should feel free to act, and making mistakes should be acceptable. Line managers should be able to support employees and help with their development. Cascading goals to individual worker Passing organisational goals from higher management to each employee and refine them at each level so that the original goal is retained. This idea of managing by objectives dates back many decades. HR practitioners who support this argue that this helps people understand how work is related across different organisational levels, and what are the priorities? To them this is vital to reduce attrition and turf battles. However, creating, and cascading go

Performance Management System: Has Covid-19 made the broken system worse?

Performance Management System: Has Covid-19 made the broken system worse? Performance Management Systems have been criticised for decades, as new practices and use of technology have failed to bridge the gap. However, the management of employee’s performance remains one of the biggest challenges for line managers and leaders in this new normal. 35 years ago Edwards Deming described the idea of evaluation of performance, merit rating or annual review as alluring, and the result of the process is exactly what the word means. Many other followed Edward Deming and got on the bandwagon as performance reviews are not done often enough or too often managed poorly. Constructive and unbiased feedback is like finding water on mars. Covid-19 has changed business models, workplace, and the workforce needs to adapt, so how we evaluate performance needs to be carefully considered. It is especially important to plan for the competency development for the new normal. Organisations invest mountains of

HR Software and Need of HR Systems for SMEs

HR Software and Need of HR Systems for SMEs What is an HR Software? HR software constitutes of an automated recording and data management system that eases the management of official information and HR processes. HR software optimizes data handling processes of all the data within the organization and automates HR-related processes and tasks. This helps to keep the organizational database orderly and makes audits seamless. HR software is a boon for HR staff as it automates HR tasks and thus saves valuable employee time which can be better spent in making strategic organizational decisions. Alongside, HR software also assists with HR processes for gap analysis to result in better planning, management and improved decision-making. Learn more about here.

HR Software – Value Proposition

HR Software – Value Proposition In today’s world, there is an extremely high pressure on HR to create and add value to an organization. The markets and business environments are very complex, and the fulfilment of contemporary business requirements demands a robust yet flexible approach that can move with changing circumstances. With changing scenario, however, processes are created, identified and monitored on HRM portals within an HR Software as they make for seamless creation of documentation and instant communication of the same to all key stakeholders, line managers and team members of an organization. Read more here.

Managing Zoom Fatigue

  Managing Zoom Fatigue Video calls are often understood to be exhausting and draining. Upon pondering, the reason understood to be behind this happens, in part, to be the consistent focus that we put on official video conversations while absorbing information from team members and managers. These calls also require the participants to stare directly at their screens for extended periods of time without doing anything such as blinking or mental breaks, and this causes fatigue. This is much more common than what one would think at first. Team members feel more exhausted at the end of a long workday characterised by extended video calls. Unsurprisingly, the malapropism “Zoom fatigue” has kept on popping up on social media and other communication mediums during the last few months. Read more on our blog post.

What are the benefits of digital id and identity verification systems?

  What are the benefits of digital id and identity verification systems? Online ID and identity verification systems have many advantages, such as reducing the weaknesses in human control measures, user friendly experience, decrease of costs, transaction monitoring, and much more. According to Capgemini and BNP Paribas - World payments report (2018) Digital payments are growing at an estimated 12.7% annually, and further forecasts suggest that it may reach 726 billion transactions annually by 2020. An estimated 60% of world GDP will be digitalised by 2022. For Complygate who is leading the online digital id and identity verification process, the growth in digital economy requires a better understanding of how individuals and firms are being identified and verified in the world of digital financial marketplace. An understanding of how Complygate digital identity and id verification system works is essential for financial firms to apply the risk-based approach recommended by The Financia

What is online ID and Identity Verification?

  What is online ID and Identity Verification? Nowadays identity theft prevention policies are a must-have for any company. Performing ID and Identity verification checks is something that shouldn’t be neglected. The most efficient way to do so is by using a robust online solution. Learn more about what online ID and Identity Verification is here .

How use of technology can connect a fragmented workplace?

  How use of technology can connect a fragmented workplace? We are in the times of a fast DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION, which with Covid19 has accelerated even more. Remote work, new generations incorporating in the professional market (freshness and new ways of approaching problem-solving), constantly-changing environment… A strong online HR management system is key to stay consistent and ensure that all employees stay connected and work within the same goals. Read more here.

What is a sanction?

What is a sanction? A Sanction is a restriction that a country (or a group of countries) puts on another country as an attempt to stop financial crime, terrorism, and human rights abuse. Performing robust sanction checks on prospective employees or clients is crucial in order to stay compliant with the current regulations. Keep reading this post on our blog.

What is FCA screening and what are good practices for staff recruitment?

What is FCA screening and what are good practices for staff recruitment? #FCAScreening is a set of #PreEmploymentScreening checks set by the #FCA to verify a candidate’s honesty and integrity in order to fit the aspired job position. These #BackgroundChecks comply with the ‘The Fit and Proper Test’ for Approved Persons, which has been set out by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). Learn more about it here.

What is Money Laundering?

  What is Money Laundering? Money laundering is the illegal process of “cleaning” criminally obtained money in order to reintroduce the laundered funds into the legitimate economy. Many organisations find themselves involved in money laundering operations because of poor or weak controls. Learn more about it here.

Components of an AML Compliance Program

  Components of an AML Compliance Program Which are the key aspects of an Anti-Money Laundering (AML) compliance program? Incorporating new measures and features to a company’s security controls and policies is a difficult yet very important task to do in order to ensure compliance. Check out which are the key components to consider on our last blog post. Read more here.