Pre Employment Checks and their importance in the New Normal With the new normal, every organization has had to adapt and change many procedures. The talent acquisition process has been one of them. In site interviews, onboarding, etc, are no longer a thing, especially for “office” roles, that will be taken remotely. Performing pre-employment screening checks previous to hiring a candidate has become a key aspect of the hiring process. Learn more about it on our last blog post.
How to detect misuse of the financial system by PEPs? and PEP behaviour red flags. How may PEPs attempt to disguise their true Identity? PEPs Know that their distinction as a Politically exposed Person (PEP) may make easy the unmasking of their illicit behaviour. This means that PEPs may knowingly try to disguise their identity, to prevent any exposure. Here are few examples: Using corporate vehicles (legal entities) to hide the beneficial owner and create confusion. Using corporate vehicles without valid a business or business reason. Using third-party intermediaries when this does not match with normal business practices or to disguise identity of PEP. Using close family members or confidants as legal owner. What are the behaviour Red flags with PEPs? Use of corporate vehicles (legal entities) to hide A) ownership, B) involved industries or C) jurisdictions/countries. .. Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs) will always try to disguise their identity to avoid being exposed. How to detec...